2025: Patterns of balancing and compensating primary tooth extractions among paediatric dentists
British Dental Journal 2025; 238: 122-128.
Nalbantoglu ER, Singh P
2024: Adult orthodontic consultations in private dental practice: How much information do patients remember when they leave the surgery?
Journal of Orthodontic Science 2024; 13: 48.
Grybaite A, Awawdeh M, Singh P
2024: Clear aligners for patients with severe gingival recession: A case report
Orthodontic Update 2024; 17: 156-162.
Fidelibus VAD, Singh P
2024: Balancing and compensating primary tooth extractions: Paediatric dentists' approaches
International Dental Journal 2024; Supp 1: S88.
Nalbantoglu ER, Singh P
2024: Can high-quality postgraduate Master's level programmes play a role in training dentists to deliver appropriate orthodontic treatment as non-specialists?
British Dental Journal in Practice 2024; 37: 320-322.
Homfray-Jones J, Singh P
2024: An alternative to current orthodontic retention appliances
Dentistry and Oral Health Care 2024; 3(1): 1-6.
Singh P, Ash S
2023: A four-year review of orthodontic cases appearing before the General Dental Council Professional Conduct Committee
Journal of Orthodontics 2023; 50: 391-399.
Ahmad Z, Singh P
2023: An evaluation of the accuracy and precision of ceramic orthodontic bracket slot dimensions utilizing micro-computed tomography (Micro-CT)
Tomography 2023; 9: 1369-1380.
Garrett A, Alghilan MA, Ash S, Awawdeh M, Singh P
2022: Canine avulsion: an extreme complication of a fixed mandibular lingual retainer
Orthodontie Française 2022; 93: 315-320.
Singh P
2022: An alternative to orthognathic surgery: A case report of a skeletal III anterior open bite patient treated with temporary anchorage devices and fixed appliances
Journal of Clinical Sciences 2022; 11: Supplement 1: 149.
Nalbantoglu ER, Singh P
2022: What's trending: An analysis of posts by TikTok users undergoing orthodontic treatment
British Dental Journal in Practice 2022; 35: 24-29.
Murray CT, Riordan DA, Murray D, Singh P
2022: What are dental professionals posting on Facebook? A cross-sectional content analysis
Journal of Orthodontic 2022; 49: 185-194.
Keelin F, Singh P
2021: Safe midline diastema closure in the presence of porcelain veneered central incisors
Clinical Medical Reviews and Case Reports 2021; 3(8): 097.
Garrett A, Singh P
2021: Canine avulsion: an extreme complication of a fixed mandibular lingual retainer
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 2021; 160: 473-477.
Singh P
2020: The quality of information available on the Internet for patients wishing to make a complaint against an orthodontic practitioner
British Dental Journal in Practice 2020; 33: 22-26.
Vassileva VT, Singh P
2020: The relationship between self-rated proficiency in orthodontics and tested orthodontic knowledge of dentists using Facebook in the United Kingdom
Journal of Dental Health and Oral Research 2020; 1(3): 1-11.
Rowland-Warmann MJ, Singh P
2020: End of life mouth care: the experiences of two dental professionals
British Medical Journal Supportive and Palliative Care Blog; 20 August 2020
Singh P, Djemal S
2019: Skeletal, soft tissue and dental cephalometric values in an adult Ethiopian population: a preliminary observational descriptive study
Annals of Dentistry and Oral Health 2019; 1: 1010
Ibrahim YS, Singh P
2018: Use of short-term orthodontics by the specialist orthodontist
Annals of Dentistry and Oral Health 2018; 2: 1007
Musima BL, Singh P
2018: The current and potential future uses of platelet-rich plasma in orthodontics
Annals of Dentistry and Oral Health 2018; 1: 1004
Singh P, Namarach K, Salem WR, Shahzadi K
2017: Regulation of dental nurses and orthodontic therapists
Orthodontic National Group News 2017; Spring: 22-24
Singh P
2017: Orthodontic allegations at the GDC
Orthodontic Practice 2017; 6(2): 17-20
Singh P
2016: Dental attendance and self-reported oral health status of renal dialysis patients: a comparison of results with the UK Adult Dental Health Survey
Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry 2016; 14: 529-534
Djemal S, Rumjon A, Macdougall IC, Singh P, Warnakulasuriya S
2016: Dental trauma part 2: acute management of fracture injuries
Dental Update 2016; 43: 916-926
Djemal S, Singh P, Polycarpou N, Tomson R, Kelleher M
2016: Dental trauma part 1: acute management of luxation/displacement injuries
Dental Update 2016; 43: 812-824
Djemal S, Singh P, Tomson R, Kelleher M
2016: Out of Africa: a pioneering course
The Probe 2016; October: 12
Singh P
2016: Orthodontic allegations raised against registrants by the General Dental Council
British Dental Journal 2016; 221: 291-294
Singh P
2016: Natural rubber latex allergy in orthodontic practice
Orthodontic National Group News 2016; Spring: 14-16
Singh P
2016: I couldn't do without: Parmjit Singh's favourite equipment
Orthodontic Practice 2016; 5(3): 29
Singh P
2016: Adult orthodontic patients in primary care and their motivation for seeking treatment
Orthodontic Update 2016; 9: 69-72
Singh P
2016: Juggling excellence
Orthodontic Practice 2016; 5(1): 10-11
Singh P
2016: Patient preference for the dress code of male and female orthodontists
Orthodontic Update 2016; 9: 28-32
Singh P
2016: Smartphones and dental trauma: the current availability of apps for managing traumatic dental injuries
Dental Traumatology 2016; 32: 52-57
Djemal S, Singh P
2015: Removable cast chrome cobalt retainers for extended or indefinite period clinical use
Journal of Orthodontics 2015; 42: 248-252
Ash S, Singh P, Mizrahi E
2015: Emergency traumatic dental injuries: the dental nurse's role
Dental Nursing 2015; 11: 74-80
Djemal S, Singh P, Lonsdale J
2014: Looking to the future: qualifications and career pathways
Dental Nursing 2014; 10: 711-713
Singh P
2014: Looking to the future: the changing role of the dental nurse
Dental Nursing 2014; 10: 652-655
Singh P
2013: Orthodontic apps for smartphones
Journal of Orthodontics 2013; 40: 249-255
Singh P
2013: An ectopic tooth concealing an odontogenic myxoma
Dental Update 2013; 40: 32-35
Singh P, Davies HT
2012: An audit of unscheduled appointments at Suffolk Orthodontic Practice
Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin, BOS 2012; 29: 29-31
Dye S, Singh P
2012: An audit of bracket failures in specialist practice
Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin, BOS 2012; 27: 16-17
Singh P, Dye S, Day R
2011: Lingual orthodontics: an overview
Dental Update 2011; 38: 390-395
Singh P, Cox C
2011: A comparison of cephalometric measurements: PACS versus the hand-tracing method
European Journal of Orthodontics 2011; 33: 350-353
Singh P, Davies TI
2010: An audit of patient choice for orthodontic appointments
Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin, BOS 2010; 24: 22-23
Singh P, Smith SC
2009: A five-year review of cases appearing before the GDC’s Professional Conduct Committee
British Dental Journal 2009; 206: 217-223
Singh P, Mizrahi E, Korb S
2009: How appropriate are orthodontic referrals
Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin, BOS 2009; 22: 10-11
Singh P, Davies TI
2009: Orthodontic retention patterns in the UK
Journal of Orthodontics 2009; 36: 115-121
Singh P, Sarri G, Kirschen R
2009: The effect of extraction and non-extraction orthodontic treatment on smile aesthetics in females
Orthodontic Update 2009; 2: 51-56
Singh P, Collins M
2009: Nance palatal arch: a cautionary tale
Journal of Orthodontics 2009; 36: 272-276
Singh P, Cox S
2008: Self-mutilation in paediatric dental patients: a case report of three patients
Dental Update 2008; 35: 280-283
Singh P, Emanuel R, Parry J, Anand PS
2007: The Quatro appliance: a removable aligner with a changeable labial bow
Journal of Orthodontics 2007; 34: 229-232
Singh P, Ash S, Mizrahi E
2007: An audit to investigate the reason for patient attendance at hospital review clinics
Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin, BOS 2007; 20: 10-12
Singh P, Sharma P, Ash S
2006: The two-week wait cancer initiative on oral cancer; the predictive value of urgent referrals to an oral medicine unit
British Dental Journal 2006; 201: 717-720
Singh P, Warnakulasuriya S
2004: Aplasia of submandibular salivary glands in a case of ectodermal dysplasia
Journal of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine 2004; 33: 634-636
Singh P, Warnakulasuriya S
1999: Barriers to desirable dietary change in the partially dentate
Journal of Dental Research (Special Issue) 1999; 78: 214
Moynihan PJ, Singh P, Jepson NJA, Thomason JM, Moody CL